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Ru El’s Running 009 : Migraine Headaches | Dieting | Hollow Body | Jump Rope | Sucking Souls

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Ru discusses migraine headaches, dieting, the hollow body, jump rope, and sucking souls.

Blew My Migraines Away post.

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Vinnie Tortorich’s Grind House

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Pavel Tsatsouline on Tim Ferriss Show

Play  & Family Update:  A tale of sucking souls.


“Most people never get there. They’re afraid or unwilling to demand enough of themselves and take the easy road, the path of least resistance. But struggling and suffering, as I now saw it, were the essence of a life worth living. If you’re not pushing yourself beyond the comfort zone, if you’re not constantly demanding more from yourself—expanding and learning as you go—you’re choosing a numb existence. You’re denying yourself an extraordinary trip.” Dean Karnazes

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Intro & Outro Music:
Artist/Song: Luzius Stone / Fire In The Sky.