Shake the post marathon blues

Been trying to shake the post marathon blues. I’ve only had one run since after the marathon. I struggle with my mind wanting to go for another long run, but my body doesn’t feel like it’s ready. For instance, last night I slapped on my GPS watch and was certain I’d go for at a least a half hour night run, but my gut was telling me know. No. Literally, my gut was the reason because I had lost control at IHOP and pigged-out on a bacon and egg cheeseburger with seasoned fries. Not to mention the appetizer sampler. šŸ™‚

Well today I start. Inspired by a friend’s Facebook post last night “Dude…I need to loose 30 lbs……”, I’m determined to do the same. I went out today for 6 miler and had fun with it.I had my Vibram FiveFingers on. Decided to go without the iPod and just enjoy the run without any distractions.

One half mile into it as I warmed up, a woman pass me, so I gave chase. Like a lot of women runners, she was faster than me. I won’t lie and not ashamed. Actually inspired and in awe. I caught up to her for a couple miles, then had to downshift because I can’t hang for a long time at a 9:35 pace. Later up ahead she took a break to work on her chin ups on the par course. I ran past, pointed at her and said “you’re fast!” She smiled back, shook her head, laughed, and said “no.” I went on my way and enjoyed the rest of my run at an easier pace.

Office from across the water.

Office from across the water.

The path back and Oracle HQ in the background.

The path back and Oracle HQ in the background.

Halfway throught the run and halfway left of sips.

Halfway throught the run and halfway left of sips.

Vibram FiveFingers Bikila LS

Vibram FiveFingers Bikila LS taking a break off of the hot pavement.

Posted on August 8, 2011, in Training. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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